Page 22 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anual[(VFO-B)RX] Indicator/Switch7his Eutton sZitches the receiYing freTuency to9)2% the green /(' imEedded Zithin the Eut-ton will light. When the transceiver is receiving the9)2% freTuency pressing this Eutton momentarilywill mute the receiver and the indicator will blink.3ressing the Eutton once more Zill restore receiYeroperation and the indicator Zill gloZ green steadily.[(VFO-B)TX] Indicator/SwitchThis button transfers control of the transmit fre-Tuencymode to 9)2% and the red /(' in the Eut-ton Zill light. 3ressing this Eutton again Zill transferfreTuencymode control EacN to the 9)2$ side andthe red /(' imEedded Zithin this Eutton Zill turnoff.[C.S] Switch3ress this Eutton momentarily to directly recall a fa-Yorite 0enu 6election.7o program a 0enu selection to the [C.S@ Euttonpress the [MENU@ Eutton to enter the 0enu. 6electthe 0enu item you Zant to set as the short cut. 3ressthe [C.S@ Eutton then press the [MENU@ Eutton thisZill locN in the selected 0enu item as the short cut.Main Tuning Dial Knob7his large NnoE adjusts the operating freTuency of9)2$. &locNZise rotation of this NnoE increasesthe freTuency. 'efault tuning increments are +]&: 66% +] 577<'$7$ +] $0)0 . :hen the [FAST@ Eutton is pressed the tuningsteps increases. 7he aYailaEle steps areA dvice :7he tuning steps for the 0ain 7uning 'ial NnoEare set at the factory to +] 66% &: +]577<'$7$ and +] $0)0 per step. 9ia0enu item ³151 CW DIAL STEP´ to ³155 SSBDIAL STEP´ hoZeYer you may change these settingsto or +] 66% &: or +] 577< '$7$ and +] $0 )0 instead.[FAST] Switch3ressing this Eutton Zill change the tuning of the0ain 7uning 'ial NnoE 9)2$ to a higher steprate.:hen this function is actiYated ³)$67´ appears inthe freTuency display.front panel controls & switchesoperAting ModeLSB/USB/CWAM/FMRTTY/DATANumbers in parentheses indicate steps when the [FAST] button is On.1 Step10 Hz (100 Hz)100 Hz (1 kHz)5 Hz (100 Hz)1 d iAl rotAtion10 kHz (100 kHz)100 kHz (1 MHz)5 kHz (100 kHz)