Page 9FT DX 30 00 O peraTing M anuali nstallation anD i nterconnectionsp roper ground connection iMproper ground connectiongroundingThe FTDX 3000 transceiYer liNe any other +) communications apparatus reTuires an effectiYe ground system for ma[i-mum electrical safety and Eest communications effectiYeness. $ good ground system can contriEute to station efficiencyin a numEer of Zays It can minimi]e the possiEility of electrical shocN to the operator. It can minimi]e 5) currents ÀoZing on the shield of the coa[ial caEle and the chassis of the transceiYer. such cur-rents may lead to radiation Zhich can cause interference to home entertainment deYices or laEoratory test eTuip-ment. It can minimi]e the possiEility of erratic transceiYeraccessory operation caused Ey 5) feedEacN andor impropercurrent ÀoZ through logic deYices.$n effectiYe earth ground system may taNe seYeral forms. for a more complete discussion see an appropriate 5) engi-neering text. The information below is intended only as a guideline.7ypically the ground connection consists of one or more copperclad steel rods driYen into the ground. If multipleground rods are used they should Ee positioned in a ³9´ configuration and Eonded together at the Ease of the ³9´ Zhichis nearest the station location. 8se a heaYy Eraided caEle such as the discarded shield from type 5* coa[ial caEleand strong caEle clamps to secure the Eraided caEle s to the ground rods. %e sure to Zeatherproof the connectionsto ensure many years of reliaEle serYice. 8se the same type of heaYy Eraided caEle for the connections to the stationground Eus descriEed EeloZ .Inside the station a common ground Eus consisting of a copper pipe of at least mm diameter should Ee used. $n al-ternatiYe station ground Eus may consist of a Zide copper plate singlesided circuit Eoard material is ideal secured tothe Eottom of the operating desN. *rounding connections from indiYidual transceiYers poZer supplies and data com-munications deYices 71&s etc. should Ee made directly to the ground Eus using a heaYy Eraided caEle.'o not ³'aisy&hain´ ground connections from one electrical deYice to another and thence to the ground Eus. 7hismethod may nullify any attempt at effectiYe radio freTuency grounding. 6ee the draZing EeloZ for e[amples of propergrounding techniTues.Inspect the ground system - inside the station as well as outside - on a regular basis to ensure continued performanceand safety.%esides folloZing the aEoYe guidelines carefully note that household or industrial gas lines must neYer Ee used in anattempt to estaElish an electrical ground. &old Zater pipes may in some instances help in the grounding effort Eut gaslines represent a significant e[plosion ha]ard and must neYer Ee used.