Page 19FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualfront panel controls & switches[NOTCH] Switch3ressing this Eutton alloZs you to adjust the centerfreTuency of the I) 1otch filter using the [NOTCH@NnoE. :hile actiYated the /(' inside this EuttongloZs orange. 3ress the [NOTCH@ knob briefly totoggle the I) 1otch filter onoff.[NOTCH] Knob3ress the [NOTCH@ sZitch to turn the I) 127&+filter on or off. 5otate the inner [NOTCH@ knob toadjust the center freTuency of the I) 127&+ filter.7he null position of the I) 127&+ filter can EeoEserYed on the display. )urthermore the displayZill shoZ the center freTuency of the I) 127&+filter for seconds ZheneYer the [NOTCH@ knob isturned.[CONT/APF] KnobCONTIn the 66% $0 and )0 modes press the [CONT/APF@ switch then turn the outer [CONT/APF@ knobto select the desired &217285 filter response. 7he&217285 filter is engaged Yia the [CONT/APF@switch.APFIn the &: mode press the [CONT/APF@ switch andthen turn the outer [CONT/APF@ knob to select thedesired $3) $udio 3eaN )ilter response. 7he $3)is engaged via the [CONT/APF@ switch.[CONT/APF] Switch3ressing this Eutton alloZs you to select the '63Contour filter response using the [CONT/APF@NnoE. :hile actiYated the /(' inside this EuttongloZs orange. 3ress the [CONT/APF@ NnoE ErieÀyto toggle the I) &ontour filter onoff.In the &: mode pressing this Eutton Zill actiYatethe $3) $udio 3eaN )ilter Zhich proYides a YerynarroZ audio EandZidth. :hile actiYated the /('inside this button glows orange.[SHIFT Knob] (except on AM And FM Mode)5otate the inner [SHIFT@ to move the passband ofthe I) '63 filter Ey +] steps. 7he total adjust-ment range is N+]. 7he position of the passEandcan Ee oEserYed on the display. )urthermore thedisplay will show the shift value of the IF SHIFT for3 seconds whenever the [SHIFT@ knob is turned.[WIDTH Knob] (except on AM And FM Mode)5otate the outer [WIDTH@ knob to set the overallEandZidth of the I) '63 filter. &ounterclocNZiserotation reduces the EandZidth Zhile clocNZiserotation increases the bandwidth. The current band-Zidth can Ee oEserYed on the display. )urthermorethe freTuency display Zill shoZ the EandZidth of theIF passband for 3 seconds whenever the [WIDTH@knob is turned.[BK-IN] SwitchThis button turns the CW break-in capability on andoff. :hile &: EreaNin is actiYated the /(' insidethis button glows orange.[AF] KnobThe inner [AF@ knob sets the receiver audio volumeleYel. 7ypically you Zill operate Zith this control setEetZeen the o¶clocN and o¶clocN positions.[RF/SQL] KnobA dvice :7his control may Ee used to select EetZeen the ³64/´and ³5) *$I1´ functions Yia the 0enu Item ³036RFSQL VR´.RFThe outer [RF/SQL@ NnoE is the receiYer 5) gaincontrol Zhich adjusts the gain of the receiYer 5)and I) amplifier stages. 7his control is normally leftin the fully clockwise position.SQL7his NnoE sets the signal leYel threshold EeloZZhich the receiYer audio is muted in all modes. Itis Yery useful during local ragcheZs to eliminatenoise between incoming transmissions. This controlis normally Nept fully counterclocNZise off e[-cept Zhen scanning and during )0 operation.[MONI] (Monitor) SwitchThis button enables the transmit monitor in allmodes. :hile actiYated the /(' inside this Euttonglows orange.A dvice ::hen using headphones the 0onitor function isYery helpful Zhile adjusting the 3arametric (Tual-i]er or other Yoice Tuality adjustments. 7he Yoiceheard in the headphones represents the transmittedaudio Tualities.