Page 40 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualconvenience featuresScopeThis function displays a convenient spectrum scope for monitoring the band conditions in real time. Both strong andweak signals can be displayed in an easy-to-understand manner on the TFT screen. You can switch the spectrum scopeinformation EetZeen 9)2% and 9)2$ in an instant. 7his multifunctional scope taNes into consideration the opera-tor¶s preference Ey sZitching EetZeen the conYenient &(17(5 mode Zhere the 9)2 freTuency is constantly in thecenter of the screen for monitoring conditions on Eoth sides of your operating freTuency and the )I; mode Zhere thefreTuency is fi[ed to the left side of the screen for conYenience in monitoring in the Eand .. 6elect an operating mode for the scope functioneither &(17(5 or )I; mode.A dvice :See ³6Zitching %etZeen &(17(5)I; 0odes´ Ee-low for details on changing operating modes.. 3ress the [SCOPE@ button momentarily to displaythe scope screen.Five different screens are shown on the TFT displayby pressing the [SCOPE@ button.A dvice : 3ress the [AUTO@ Eutton to access the 1anualmode. (ach time the [SELECT@ button ispressed a neZ scan of the spectrum scope isshown on the TFT display. 3ress the [AUTO@ button to cause the spectrumscope to scan continuously until the [AUTO@button is pressed again. Sweep speed can be changed in 0(18 mode³125 SCOPE SPEED´. The received signal’s sound spectrum may bedisplayed on the $)))7 screen Ey pressing the[MONI@ button. (ither the ³6pectrum 'isplay´ or the ³:aterfall'isplay´ may Ee shoZn on the $)))7 screenEy setting the 0(18 mode ³185 FFT DISPLAYMODE´.à à à àSwitching Between CENTER/FIX Modes. 3ress the [MENU@ Eutton to enter the 0enumode.. 5otate the [CLAR/VFO-B@ NnoE or pressthe ST Eutton to select 0enu item ³124SCOPE MODE´.. 3ress the [SELECT@ Eutton then rotate the[CLAR/VFO-B@ NnoE or press the S TEutton to select the ³&(17(5´ or ³)I;´)actory default is ³&(17(5´ .. 3ress the [SELECT@ Eutton then press the[MENU@ button to save the new setting andexit to normal operation.[SELECT] button[MENU] button[CLAR/VFO-B] knob[CLEAR] button[S/T ] buttonSCOPESCOPE #(((65%12'Spectrum scope displayFull screen spectrum scope displaySpectrum scope plus the AF-FFT displaySpectrum scope Memory display(When the Scope Memory is stored)#(((6