Page 46 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anuali nterference rejectionATT:hen e[tremely strong local signals or high noise degrades reception you can use the [ATT@ Eutton to insert ord% of 5) attenuation in front of the 5) amplifier.. 3ress the [ATT@ button several times to set the de-sired attenuation leYel per the chart EeloZ.OFF $ttenuator is 2ff-6dB 7he incoming signal poZer is reduced Ey d% 6ignal Yoltage reduced Ey -12dB 7he incoming signal poZer is reduced Ey d% 6ignal Yoltage reduced to -18dB 7he incoming signal poZer is reduced Ey d% 6ignal Yoltage reduced to The selected attenuation level will be indicated in the$77 column of the %locN 'iagram 'isplay on theTFT display.. 7o restore full signal strength through the $ttenua-tor circuit area press the [ATT@ button to restore the$77 display to the ³2))´ position.A dvice : 7he attenuator selection Zill Ee memori]ed independently on each 9)2 stacN of the 9)2$ and 9)2%. If EacNground noise causes a high 6meter indication on clear freTuencies press the [ATT@ button until the S-meterdrops to aEout ³6´. 7his setting optimi]es the tradeoff EetZeen sensitiYity noise and interference immunity. $lsoonce you haYe tuned in a station you Zant to ZorN you may Zant to reduce sensitiYity further add more attenua-tion) by pressing the [ATT@ Eutton to a higher setting. 7his reduces the strength of all signals and noise and canmaNe reception more comfortaEle important especially during long 462s. :hen looNing for ZeaN signals on a TuietEand you Zill Zant ma[imum sensitiYity so the I32 should Ee disaEled and the [ATT@ Eutton should Ee set to ³2)).´7his situation is typical during Tuiet times on freTuencies aEoYe 0+] and Zhen using a small or negatiYegainreceiving antenna on other bands.[ATT] Buttonb locK diAgrAM diSplAyIndicates theattenuation level