Page 97FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualm emorY o perationStAndArd MeMory operAtionMemory Tune Operationas you do not oYerZrite the contents of the current memory 0emory 7une operation Zill not alter the contents of thememory channel.. 3ress the [V/M@ button to recall any memory chan-nel.A dvice :If you can not enter the ³0emory´ mode checN tosee if the transceiYer is in 9)2% mode the green[VFO-B RX @ Indicator6Zitch is illuminated . If sopress the [VFO-A RX @ Indicator6Zitch to returnoperation to 9)2$. 1oZ press the [V/M@ button toenter the ³0emory´ mode.. 5otate the 0ain 7uning 'ial NnoE you Zill noZ oE-serYe that the memory channel freTuency is chang-ing.A dvice : 'uring 0emory 7une operation you may changeoperating modes and engage the offset &larifierif desired.. 3ress the [V/M@ button momentarily to return to theoriginally memori]ed freTuency of the current mem-ory channel. 2ne more press of the [V/M@ button willreturn you to 9)2 operation.n ote:&omputer softZare programs utili]ing the &$7 sys-tem interface port may presume that the transceiver isoperating in the 9)2 mode for certain features liNe³Eand mapping´ andor freTuency logging Eecause the³0emory 7une´ mode so closely resemEles the 9)2mode. Be sure that you have the FTDX 3000 operating ina control mode compatiEle Zith your softZare¶s reTuire-ments. 8se the 9)2 mode if you¶re not sure.[V/M] Button[VFO-A(RX)] Button[VFO-B(RX)] ButtonMAIN TUNING DIAL KNOB