Page 14 FT DX 30 00 O peraTing M anuali nstallation anD i nterconnectionsinterFAcing to other lineAr A MpliFierSn ote 7he 7; *1' 287 pin pin of the LINEAR jackis a transistor ³open collector´ circuit. It is capaEle ofhandling positiYe relay coil Yoltages up to 9'&at m$ or 9'& at $. If you plan to usemultiple linear amplifiers for different Eands youmust proYide e[ternal Eand sZitching of the ³/inear7[´ relay control line from the ³7; *1' 287´ lineat the LINEAR jack. 7he specified range for $/& Yoltage to Ee used Ziththe FT DX 3000 is to 9olts '&. $mplifier systems utili]ing different $/& Yoltageswill not work correctly with the FT DX 3000 andtheir $/& lines must not Ee connected if this is thecase.iMportAnt note! 'o not e[ceed the ma[imum Yoltage or current rat-ings for the ³7; *1' 287´ pin pin of the LIN-EAR jack. This line is not compatible with negative'& Yoltages or $& Yoltages of any magnitude. 0ost amplifier control relay systems reTuire onlyloZ '& Yoltagecurrent sZitching capaEility typi-cally 9 '& at a m$ and the sZitchingtransistor in the FTDX 3000 will easily accommodatesuch amplifiers.NoteWhen the FC-40 is connected to the FTDX 30007; *1' pin of the TUNER jack and theLINEAR jacN pin are common circuits.7herefore the ma[imum Yoltage at 7; *1' pin of the LINEAR jacN must not e[ceed 9.GNDEXT ALCTX GND