Page 94 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualStAndArd MeMory operAtion7he 6tandard 0emory of the FTDX 3000 alloZs storage and recall of up to memories each storing freTuency modeand a Zide Yariety of status information detailed preYiously. 0emories may Ee grouped into as many as si[ 0emory*roups and additionally you get nine pairs of Eandlimit 306 memories along Zith fiYe 40% 4uicN 0emory %anNmemories.Memory Storage. 6et 9)2$ up Zith the freTuency mode and statusthe way you want to have it stored.. 3ress the [A X M@ Eutton momentarily the currentchannel numEer Zill start ElinNing in the 9)2% fre-Tuency display.. 5otate the [CLAR/VFO-B@ knob to select the mem-ory channel that you wish to store the data on.. 3ress and hold in the [A X M@ button for one secondto store the freTuency and other data into the selectedmemory channel. $ douEle Eeep Zill confirm thatyou have held the [A X M@ button in long enough.Memory Channel Recall. 3ress the [V/M@ Eutton if necessary to enter the³0emory mode´. $ memory channel numEer Zillappear in the 9)2% freTuency display.A dvice :If you cannot enter the ³0emory mode´ checN the[VFO-B RX @ Indicator6Zitch. If it is illuminatedgreen press the [VFO-A RX @ Indicator6Zitch tomake the [VFO-B RX @ Indicator6Zitch go outthen press the [V/M@ button again.. 3ress the [MCH/GRP@ Eutton. 7he orange /(' in-side the Eutton Zill light up indicating that you areready to recall a memory channel.. $fter pressing the [MCH/GRP@ Eutton you mayrotate the [CLAR/VFO-B@ knob to select the desiredmemory channel.A dvice :7o ZorN Zithin a particular 0emory *roup press the[GRP@ Eutton the imEedded /(' Zill gloZ orange then rotate the [CLAR/VFO-B@ knob to select thedesired 0emory *roup. 1oZ press the [MCH/GRP@Eutton the imEedded /(' Zill gloZ orange you maynow choose the memory channel within the selected0emory *roup.[V/M] Button[VFO-A(RX)] Button[VFO-B(RX)] Button[MCH/GRP] Button[CLAR/VFO-B] Knob[AX M] Button[CLAR/VFO-B] Knobm emorY o peration