Page 36 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualbasic o peration : receivinG on amateur banDsclAr (c lAriFier) operAtionThe [RX CLAR@ [TX CLAR@ [CLEAR@ buttons and [CLAR/VFO-B@ NnoE are used to offset the receiYe freTuencythe transmit freTuency or Eoth from their settings on the 9)2$ freTuency. )our small numEers on the 0ulti'isplay:indoZ shoZ the current &larifier offset. 7he &larifier controls on the FT DX 3000 are designed to allow you to presetan offset up to . N+] Zithout actually retuning and then to actiYate it Yia the &larifier [RX CLAR@ and [TXCLAR@ Euttons. 7his feature is ideal for folloZing a drifting station or for setting the small freTuency offsets some-times utili]ed in '; ³6plit´ ZorN.+ere is the techniTue for utili]ing the &larifier. 3ress the [RX CLAR@ Eutton. 7he ³RX´ notationZill appear in the 0ulti'isplay :indoZ and theprogrammed offset will be applied to the receive fre-Tuency.. 5otation of the [CLAR/VFO-B@ knob will allowyou to modify your initial offset on the Ày. 2ffsets ofup to . N+] may Ee set using the &larifier.7o cancel &larifier operation press the [RX CLAR@ but-ton. 7he ³RX´ notation Zill disappear from the display.A dvice : 7urning the &larifier off merely cancels the applica-tion of the programmed offset from the receiYe andor the transmit freTuencies. 7o clear the &larifieroffset and reset it to ³]ero´ press the [CLEAR@ but-ton. The programmed offset is displayed in the smallmultichannel ZindoZ of the freTuency display. -Tuency. In this case the offset freTuency is set usingthe 0ain 7uning 'ial NnoE instead of the [CLAR/VFO-B@ knob. 7he &larifier operation including the offset freTuen-cy Zill Ee memori]ed independently on each 9)2stacN of 9)2$ and 9)2%.[CLAR/VFO-B] Knob[RX CLAR] Button[TX CLAR] Button[CLEAR] ButtonTXCLAR$lternately you may apply the &larifier offsetto the transmit freTuency Zithout changing thereceiYe freTuency typically for ³split´ '; pileups).[CLAR/VFO-B] Knob[S/T] ButtonThe Tuning Offset Indicator provides a graphical representation of the Clarifier offset.In &: mode the factory default setting of the 7uning 2ffset Indicator shoZs the&: &enter 7uning instead of &larifier 2ffset. If you Zish to change this so that the&larifier 2ffset is also displayed on &: use the folloZing procedure[SELECT] button. 3ress the [MENU@ Eutton to enter the 0enumode.. 5otate the [CLAR/VFO-B@ NnoE or press theS T Eutton to select 0enu item ³010 BARDISPLAY SELECT´.. 3ress the [SELECT@ Eutton then rotate the[CLAR/VFO-B@ NnoE or press the ST button)to select ³CLAR &larifier ´ replacing the default³CW TUNE &: 781I1* ´ selection .. 3ress the [SELECT@ Eutton then press the[MENU@ button to save the new setting and exitto normal operation.Multi-Display Window[MENU] button[Plus (+) Offset][Zero Offset][Minus (–) Offset]