Page 1FT DX 30 00 O peraTing M anualG eneral D escriptionCongratulations on the purchase of your Yaesu amateurtransceiYer If this is your first rig or if is already the EacNEone of your station rest assuredyour transceiver will provide many hours of operatingpleasure for years to come.The FTDX 3000 is an elite-class HF transceiver provid-ing exceptional performance both on transmit and re-ceive. The FTDX 3000 is designed for the most competi-tiYe operating situations Zhether you primarily operatein contest '; or digitalmode enYironments.Built on the foundation of the popular FTDX 9000 trans-ceiYer and carrying on the proud tradition of the FT-1000 series the FT DX 3000 provides up to 100 Wattsof poZer output on 66% &: and )0 :atts $0carrier . 'igital 6ignal 3rocessing '63 is utili]edthroughout the design proYiding leadingedge transmit-ter and receiver performance.For exceptional protection from strong signal interfer-ence the optional 5) 7uning .its may Ee connectedYia the rear panel. 7he 5) 7uning .its proYide e[traor-dinarily sharp selectivity and protect your receiver fromclose-in interference on a crowded band.In the front end you may select one of tZo 5) pream-plifiers or I32 Intercept 3oint 2ptimi]ation proYidingdirect feed to the first mi[er. 7hree leYels of 5) attenua-tion are available in 6-dB steps.The FTDX 3000 receiYer utili]es '63 filtering incorpo-rating many of the features of the FTDX 9000 such as9ariaEle %andZidth I) 6hift and 3assEand &ontourtuning. $lso proYided are 'igital 1oise 5eduction 'igi-tal $uto1otch )iltering and a manually tuned I) 1otchfilter.2n the transmit side the 3arametric 0icrophone (Tuali]er alloZs precise andflexible adjustment of the waveform created by yourYoice and microphone. 7he audio $mplitude &enter)reTuency and %andZidth are adjusted separately forthe loZ midrange and highfreTuency audio spectrum.The transmitted bandwidth may also be adjusted.$dYanced features include 'irect .eyEoard )reTuency(ntry and %and &hange 6peech 3rocessor I) 0onitorfor 9oice modes &: 3itch control &: 6pot sZitch)ull &: 46. &: 0essage 0emory adjustaEle I)1oise %lanNer and all mode 6Tuelch. 7hree 7;5;antenna ports are provided on the rear panel. Two keyjacNs are proYided one on the front and one on the rearpanel . 7he Ney jacNs may Ee configured independentlyfor paddle input connection to a straight Ney or com-puter-driven keying interface.)reTuency setup is straightforZard on the FT DX 3000.(nter freTuency directly for Eoth 9)2$ and 9)2%.6eparate Neys are aYailaEle for Eand selection. (achEand Ney proYides three separate 9)2 settings for threedifferent parts of each band. You may create three inde-pendent 9)2 settings of freTuency mode and filter foreach band.In addition memories are proYided to store )reTuen-cy 0ode I) filter selection &larifier offset and 6cansNip status. :hat¶s more fiYe TuicNrecall ³40%´memories can instantly store operational settings at thepush of a button.The built-in antenna tuner includes 100 memories thatautomatically store antenna matching settings for rapidlater automatic recall.Interfacing for digital modes is extremely simple withthe FTDX 3000 thanNs to the dedicated 577<36. con-nection jacN on the rear panel. 2ptimi]ation of the filterpassEand '63 settings carrier insertion point and dis-play offset for digital modes is possiEle Yia the 0enuprogramming system.$dYanced technology is only part of the FT DX 3000story. Yaesu stands behind our products with a world-wide network of dealers and service centers. We greatlyappreciate your investment in the FT DX 3000 and Zelook forward to helping you get the most enjoymentfrom your neZ transceiYer. 3lease feel free to contactyour nearest dealer or one of -ters offices for technical adYice interfacing assistanceor accessory recommendation. :atch +ome 3age for lateEreaNing information aEout 6tan-dard +ori]on and com.3lease read this manual thoroughly to gain ma[imumunderstanding of the full capability of the FT DX 3000.We thank you again for your purchase! PreviousNext |