Page 33FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anual. 3ress the [BAND@ button corre-sponding to the $mateur Eand onwhich you wish to begin opera-tion.A dvice : 2netouch selection of each $mateur Eand Ee-tZeen . and 0+] is proYided. The FTDX 3000 utili]es a triple EandstacN 9)2selection techniTue Zhich permits storing up tothree faYorite freTuencies and modes onto each9)2 Eand register. )or e[ample you may storeone freTuency each on 0+] &: 577< and86% then recall these freTuencies Ey successiYemomentary presses of the [14@ 0+] Eand Eutton.(ach $mateur Eand Eutton may similarly haYe upto three freTuencymode settings applied. When the [MHz/μT@ Eutton located to the leftof the [CLAR/VFO-B@ NnoE is pressed theimEedded /(' Zill gloZ orange and then rota-tion of the [CLAR/VFO-B@ knob will change thefreTuency in 0+] steps.. 3ress the [ANT@ button to select the ap-propriate antenna for the band in use.A dvice ::hen you maNe an antenna selectionthat antenna is ³rememEered´ Ey themicroprocessor in conjunction with the9)2 register in use.. 7urn on the e[ternal '& poZer supply.. 3ress and hold in the frontpanel [ON/OFF@ switchuntil the transceiYer turns on. $fteraEout fiYe seconds ten seconds if theoptional 7uning .it is connected thetransceiver is ready for full operation.. 7he transceiYer Zill start up on .. 0+]/6% or the preYiously used operating freTuencyand normal operation may begin.n ote:7o turn poZer off press and hold in the front panel[ON/OFF@ switch for one second.. 5otate the [AF@ knob to set a com-fortable audio level of the incomingsignals or noise. Clockwise rotationof the [AF@ knob increases the vol-ume level.n ote::hen using headphones start Ey rotating the [AF@NnoE counterclocNZise then Ering the Yolume leYelup after you put the headphones on. This will mini-mi]e the chance of damage to your hearing causedby an unexpectedly high audio level.. 3ress the > VFO-A)RX@ Indicator6Zitch to engagethe 9)2$ the imEedded/(' Zill gloZ green.A dvice :If you press the > VFO-A)RX@ Indicator6ZitchZhen the imEedded /('is already gloZing greenthe /(' Zill noZ ElinN³on´ and ³off´ this indicates that the 9)2$ re-ceiYer is temporarily muted. -ust press the > VFO-A)RX@ Indicator6Zitch once more to restore 9)2$receiver operation.+ere is the typical startup procedure for normal operation[POWER] Switch[VFO-A(RX)] Button[AF GAIN] Knob Main Tuning Dial Knob[BAND] Buttonbasic o peration : receivinG on amateur banDs[MODE] Button[ANT] Switch