Page 34 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anual. 3ress the [MODE@ button to select the desired oper-ating mode.5epeated presses of the [MODE@button step through the available se-lections.3ressing and holding the [MODE@button will toggle to the alternate mode.)or e[ample In the LSB or USB modes pressingand holding the [MODE@ button toggles between³/6%´ and ³86%´ mode.A dvice : %y conYention in the $mateur Eands /6% isused on the 0+] and loZer Eands Zith thee[ception of meters Zhile 86% is utili]ed onthe 0+] and higher Eands. :hen changing modes from 66% to &: youZill oEserYe a freTuency shift on the display.7his shift represents the %)2 offset EetZeen the³]ero Eeat´ freTuency and the audiEle &: pitchtone you can hear the pitch is programmed Yiathe 0enu item ³064 CW FREQ DISPLAY´ eventhough the actual tone that you hear is not chang-ing. :hen operating on the )0 mode rotate the [RF/SQL@ 6Tuelch NnoE clocNZise to the pointwhere the background noise is just silenced. Thisis the point of maximum sensitivity to weak sig-nals. ([cessiYe adYancement of the [RF/SQL@knob will decrease the ability of the receiver todetect weak signals.You may switch the [RF/SQL@ NnoE from the 5)*ain )unction to the 6Tuelch )unction Yia 0enuitem ³036 RFSQL VR´.basic o peration : receivinG on amateur banDs. 5otate the 0ain 7uning 'ial NnoE to tune around theEand and Eegin normal operation.A dvice : &locNZise rotation of the 0ain 7uning 'ial NnoEincreases the operating freTuency one ³step´of the synthesi]er at a time similarly counterclocNZise rotation of the 0ain 7uning 'ial NnoEZill decrease the freTuency. 7Zo settings one³normal´ and one ³fast´ are aYailaEle for eachoperating mode. 3ressing the [FAST@ buttonengages the ³)ast´ tuning selection see chart Ee-low). 7he tuning steps for the 0ain 7uning 'ial NnoEare set at the factory to +] 66% &: +] 577<'$7$ and +] $0)0 perstep. 9ia 0enu items ³151 CW DIAL STEP´to ³155 SSB DIAL STEP´ hoZeYer you maychange these settings from +] to or +]66% &: +] to or +] 577< '$7$ +] to +] $0 )0 instead.MAin tuning d iAl Knob tuning rAte If you Zant to effect rapid freTuency changethere are seYeral techniTues aYailaEley 'irect NeyEoard entry of the freTuency.y Use the [CLAR/VFO-B@ knob to tune in 10+] steps.y Use the microphone’s [UP@[DWN@ scanningNeys if your microphone is so eTuipped.operAting ModeLSB/USB/CWAM/FMRTTY/DATANumbers in parentheses indicate steps when the [FAST] button is On.1 Step10 Hz (100 Hz)100 Hz (1 kHz)5 Hz (100 Hz)1 d iAl rotAtion10 kHz (100 kHz)100 kHz (1 MHz)5 kHz (100 kHz)