Page 37FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualbasic o peration : receivinG on amateur banDsLOCK [CLAR/VFO-B@ NnoE for9)2% freTuency tuning to preYent accidental freTuency change.Main Tuning Dial knob Lock7o locN the 0ain 7uning 'ial NnoE press the > VFO-A)RX@ Indicator6Zitch to illuminate the imEedded green/(' then press the [LOCK@ button that is located tothe right of the 0ain 7uning 'ial NnoE. 7o unlocN the'ial setting and restore normal tuning press the [LOCK@button once more.[CLAR/VFO-B] knob LockTo lock the [CLAR/VFO-B@ NnoE press the [VFO-BCLAR@ button that is located to the right of the [CLAR/VFO-B@ NnoE. 7he Indicator6Zitch imEedded /(' Zillilluminate orange. Then press the [TX CLAR (LOCK)@button that is located to the top of the [CLAR/VFO-B@knob. To unlock the [CLAR/VFO-B@ NnoE and restorenormal tuning press the [TX CLAR (LOCK)@ buttononce more.A dvice :7he locN feature Zill Ee memori]ed independently onthe 0ain 7uning 'ial NnoE and the [CLAR/VFO-B@knob.DIMMER7he illumination leYel of the 9)2$ )reTuency display 7)7 display and si[ Neys left of the 7)7 display may Ee ad-justed Yia 0enu items and .To adjust the illumination level. 3ress the [MENU@ Eutton to enter the 0enu mode.. 5otate the [CLAR/VFO-B@ NnoE or press the ST Eutton to select 0enu item ³007 DIMMER VFO´9)2$ )reTuency 'isplay ³008 DIMMER BACK-LIT´ 6i[ Neys or ³009 DIMMER TFT´ 7)7 'is-play).. 3ress the [SELECT@ button then rotate the [CLAR/VFO-B@ NnoE or press the ST button) to selectthe desired illumination level.. 3ress the [SELECT@ Eutton then press the [MENU@button to save the new setting and exit to normal op-eration.[TX CLAR(LOCK)] Button[VFO-B/CLAR] Button[LOCK] Button[CLAR/VFO-B] Knob[S/T] Button[SELECT] button[MENU] button