Page 77FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualcw m oDe o perationu Sing the built- in electronic KeyerConnect the cable from your keyer paddle to the front or rear panel KEY jack.1. 3ress the [MODE@ button to engage CW opera-tion. The ³CW´ and ³USB´ icons will appear in thedisplay. 7he /(' inside the [MONI@ button glowsorange and the &: monitor is actiYated.A dvice :If you press the ³&:´ mode you Zill engage the³&: 5eYerse´ mode ZhereEy the ³opposite´ side-Eand injection is used compared to the ³normal´sideband. The ³CW´ and ³LSB´ icons will appearin the display if you select &: 5eYerse.. 5otate the 0ain 7uning 'ial NnoE to select the de-sired operating freTuency.. 3ress the [S/T/W/X@ Eutton to select the ³KEYER´then press the [SELECT@ Eutton to select ³ON´.7he ³KEYER´ Zill appear in the display confirmingthat the Euiltin (lectronic .eyer is noZ actiYe.. 5otate the [MIC/SPEED@ knob to set the desiredsending speed a :30 . &locNZise rotationof the [MIC/SPEED@ knob will increase the keyingspeed.A dvice : 7he 9)2% freTuency display Zill shoZ the Ney-ing speed for 3 seconds whenever the [SPEED@knob is turned. :hen you press either the ³'ot´ or ³'ash´ sideof your paddle the &: Neying tone Zill auto-matically be generated.. 3ress the [BK-IN@ button to engage automatic activa-tion of the transmitter Zhen you press either the ³'ot´or ³'ash´ side of your paddle. 7he /(' inside the[BK-IN@ button glows orange.. &: operation utili]ing your paddle may noZ com-mence.A dvice ::hen you utili]e your Neyer paddle the transmit-ter Zill automatically Ee actiYated and the &:characters or a string of dots and dashes Zill Eetransmitted. When you release the keyer paddle con-tacts transmission Zill cease and reception Zill Eerestored after a brief delay. The delay time is user-programmaEle per the discussion on page .[MONI] Button[BK-IN] ButtonA dvice : You may adjust the CW sidetone audio level settingof 0enu item ³035 MONITOR LEVEL´.7o adjust the 0oni /eYel $ctiYate the 021I circuitry if necessary. 3ress and hold in the [MONI@ button for onesecond to enter the 0enu item ³135 MONITORLEVEL´. 3ress the [SELECT@ Eutton. :hile Neying rotate the [CLAR/VFO-B@ knobor press the ST button) to adjust the monitorlevel. :hen you are satisfied Zith the setting pressthe [SELECT@ Eutton then press the [MENU@button to save the new setting and exit to normaloperation. If you set the [BK-IN@ Eutton to 2ff you may prac-tice sending &: Zith the sidetone only Zithout haY-ing the signal go out over the air. If you reduce poZer Yia the 0enu item ³177 TXMAX POWER´ the $/& meter reading Zill increasethis is normal and does not indicate any problemZhatsoeYer Eecause increased $/& Yoltage is Eeingused to lower the power).[SPEED] Knob [MODE] Button