Page 31FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualfh-2 switches7he supplied 5emote &ontrol .eypad )+ can Ee used to control the Yoice memory capaEility for the 66%$0)0modes and the contest memory Neyer for the &: mode and the te[t memory for the 577<'$7$ modes. playEacN up to seconds of incoming receiYed audio for Yerification of a missed callsign or other purposes. 6omespecific capaEilities of the )+ arem 2n 66%$0)0 modes fiYe channels of storage and playEacN of Yoice memory seconds each using your oZnYoice for recording see page .m 2n &: mode the )+ proYides storage and recall of &: messages for repetitiYe &4 and contest automatic numEertransmissions see page .m 2n 577<'$7$ mode the )+ proYides storage and recall of 7(;7 messages for repetitiYe &4 transmissions seepage .m 3layEacN of the last seconds of incoming receiYer audio see page .[1], [2], [3], [4], [5] Switches7hese Euttons ZorN as the 9oice 0emory and &:0essage 0emory 6election .ey.In the case of 9oice 0emory up to seconds ofaudio may be stored on each channel.)or &: 0essages and &: 7e[t 0essages up to characters 3$5I6 specification may Ee storedinto each channel.[W], [X], [S], [T] Switches8sually these Euttons are used for tuning the 9)2freTuency. 3ress the >S@>T@ Euttons to change thefreTuency in the same increments as the microphone[UP@>DWN@ sZitches. 3ress the >W@>X@ Euttons tochange the freTuency Ey N+] steps.:hen programming the &ontest 0emory .eyerthese buttons are used to move the cursor and selectthe text characters.[P/B] Switch7his Eutton is used for playing EacN the last seconds of recorded receiver audio.[LOCK] Switch7his Eutton may Ee used to locN out the )+ NeyEuttons to preYent accidental actiYation of )+operations.[MEM] Switch3ress this Eutton to store either a 9oice 0emory or a&ontest .eyer 0emory.[DEC] Switch:hen utili]ing the seTuential contest numEercapaEility of the &ontest .eyer press this Eutton todecrement decrease the current &ontest 1umEer Eyone digit i.e. to EacN up from to etc. .