Page 115FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anual024 NUMBER STYLE)unction 6elects the &ontest 1umEer ³&ut´ format foran imbedded contest number.$Y a i l a E l e 9a l u e s $ 8 1 2 $ 8 1 7 $ 1 2 $171217'efault 6etting 'oes not aEEreYiate the &ontest 1umEer$812 $EEreYiates to ³$´ for ³2ne´ ³8´ for ³7Zo´³1´ for ³1ine´ and ³2´ for ³=ero´.$unt $EEreYiates to ³$´ for ³2ne´ ³8´ for ³7Zo´³1´ for ³1ine´ and ³7´ for ³=ero´.$12 $EEreYiates to ³$´ for ³2ne´ ³1´ for ³1ine´and ³2´ for ³=ero´.$17 $EEreYiates to ³$´ for ³2ne´ ³1´ for ³1ine´and ³7´ for ³=ero´.12 $EEreYiates to ³1´ for ³1ine´ and ³2´ for³=ero´.17 $EEreYiates to ³1´ for ³1ine´ and ³7´ for³=ero´.025 CONTEST NUMBER)unction (nters the initial contest numEer that Zillincrementdecrement after sending during contest 462s.$YailaEle 9alues a 'efault 6etting 026 CW MEMORY 1)unction 3ermits entry of the &: message for messageregister 1.$YailaEle 9alues 7(;70(66$*('efault 6etting 0(66$*(7(;7 )+.0(66$*( CW keyer.027 CW MEMORY 2)unction 3ermits entry of the &: message for messageregister .$YailaEle 9alues 7(;70(66$*('efault 6etting 0(66$*(7(;7 )+.0(66$*( CW keyer.028 CW MEMORY 3)unction 3ermits entry of the &: message for messageregister 3.$YailaEle 9alues 7(;70(66$*('efault 6etting 0(66$*(7(;7 )+.0(66$*( CW keyer.029 CW MEMORY 4)unction 3ermits entry of the &: message for messageregister 4.$YailaEle 9alues 7(;70(66$*('efault 6etting 7(;77(;7 )+.0(66$*( CW keyer.030 CW MEMORY 5)unction 3ermits entry of the &: message for messageregister .$YailaEle 9alues 7(;70(66$*('efault 6etting 7(;77(;7 )+.0(66$*( CW keyer.GENERAL Group031 ANT SELECT)unction 6ets the method of antenna selection.$YailaEle 9alues %$1'67$&.'efault 6etting %$1'%$1' 7he antenna is selected in accordance Zith theoperating band.67$&. 7he antenna is selected in accordance Zith theEand stacN different antennas may Ee utili]edon the same Eand if so selected in the Eandstack).032 ANT3 SETTING)unction 6elects the operation mode of the $17 connector.$YailaEle 9alues 75; 5 5'efault 6etting 75;033 NB LEVEL)unction $djusts the noise ElanNing leYel of the I)1oise %lanNer for short duration pulse noise.$YailaEle 9alues a 'efault 6etting 034 BEEP LEVEL)unction 6ets the Eeep leYel.$YailaEle 9alues a 'efault 6etting 035 MONITOR LEVEL)unction 6ets the 0onitor leYel.$YailaEle 9alues a 'efault 6etting m enu m oDe