Page 113FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualAGC Group001 FAST DELAY)unction 6ets the delay time for the $*& )$67 mode.$YailaEle 9alues a msec msecstep'efault 6etting msec002 MID DELAY)unction 6ets the delay time for the $*& 0I' mode.$YailaEle 9alues a msec msecstep'efault 6etting msec003 SLOW DELAY)unction 6ets the delay time for the $*& 6/2: mode.$YailaEle 9alues a msec msecstep'efault 6etting msec004 AGC SLOPE)unction 6elect the gain curYe of the $*& amplifier.$YailaEle 9alues 1250$/6/23('efault 6etting 1250$/1250$/ 7he $*& output leYel Zill folloZ a linearresponse to the antenna input leYel Zhile$*& is actiYated.6/23( 7he $*& output leYel Zill increase at the rate of the antenna input leYel Zhile$*& is actiYated.008 DIMMER BACKLIGHTFunction 6ets the Neypad illumination leYel.$YailaEle 9alues a 'efault 6etting $djusts the illumination leYel of the si[ Neys located onthe left side of the /&' display. effects of the changes as you adjust the level setting. Thehigher the setting the Erighter the illumination Eecomes.009 DIMMER TFT)unction 6etting of the 7)7 display Erightness leYel.$YailaEle 9alues a 'efault 6etting 010 BAR DISPLAY SELECT)unction 6elects one of three parameters to Ee YieZedon the 7uning 2ffset Indicator.$YailaEle 9alues &/$5&: 781(u781('efault 6etting &: 781(&/$5 'isplays relatiYe clarifier offset.&: 781( 'isplays relatiYe tuning offset EetZeen theincoming signal and transmitted freTuencywhile in CW operation.u781( 'isplays the peaN position of the optional781( filter.011 METER TYPE SELECT)unction 6elects the meter display type.$YailaEle 9alues $1$/2*%$5'efault 6etting $1$/2*$1$/2* 'isplays relatiYe clarifier offset.%$5 'isplays relatiYe tuning offset EetZeen theincoming signal and transmitted freTuencywhile in CW operation.012 BAR MTR PEAK HOLD)unction 6elects the peaN hold time of the %$5 meter.$YailaEle 9alues 2))... sec'efault 6etting 2))013 ROTATOR START UP)unction 6elects the starting point of your rotatorcontroller's indicator needle.$YailaEle 9alues 'efault 6etting $dYice If the optional $ntenna 5otator is notconnected this adjustment has no effect.014 ROTATOR OFFSET ADJ)unction $djusts the indicator needle precisely to thestarting point set in menu item ³ 527$725 67$5783´$YailaEle 9alues a step'efault 6etting $dYice If the optional $ntenna 5otator is notconnected this adjustment has no effect.DISPLAY Group005 MY CALL)unction 3rograms your &all 6ign.$YailaEle 9alues 0a[ characters'efault 6etting )7';006 MY CALL TIME)unction 3rograms the display period of your &all 6ign.$YailaEle 9alues 2)) a sec'efault 6etting sec007 DIMMER VFO)unction 6etting of the 9)2$ display Erightness leYel.$YailaEle 9alues a 'efault 6etting m enu m oDe