Page 21FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualfront panel controls & switches[(VFO-A)RX] Indicator/Switch3ress this Eutton to actiYate receiYe on the 9)2$freTuency. 7he /(' inside the Eutton Zill gloZgreen Zhen the transceiYer is receiYing on the 9)2$ freTuency.:hen the transceiYer receiYes the 9)2$ freTuencypressing this button momentarily will mute the re-ceiYer and the indicator Zill ElinN. 3ressing the Eut-ton once more Zill restore receiYer operation andthe indicator will glow green steadily.[(VFO-A)TX] Indicator/Switch:hen this Eutton is pushed the /(' inside theEutton Zill gloZ red and Zhen the PTT switch ispressed the transceiYer Zill transmit on the 9)2$freTuency suEject to any &larifier offset of course .A dvice :If this indicator is not illuminated it means the> VFO-B)TX@ Indicator6Zitch has Eeen selected itZill Ee gloZing red . In this case transmission Zill Eeon the freTuency and mode programmed for 9)2%.[STO] (Store) Button3ressing the [STO] Eutton copies the contents fre-Tuency mode EandZidth )0 repeater offset and&7&66 settings of 9)2$ into consecutiYe 40%0emories.[RCL] (Recall) Button3ressing the [RCL] Eutton recalls one of up to fiYe4uicN 0emory %anN memories for operation.[NAR] (Narrow) Switch7his Eutton is used to set the '63 digital I) filtersto 1arroZ EandZidth.A dvice :You may adjust the bandwidth using the [WIDTH@knob.In the AM mode this Eutton is used to toggle the re-ceiYer EandZidth EetZeen Zide N+] and narroZ N+] .In the FM mode on the 0+] and 0+] Eandsthis Eutton is used to toggle the )0 deYiationEand-Zidth EetZeen Zide . N+] 'eY.. N+] %:and narroZ . N+] 'eY.. N+] %: .[SPLIT] Switch3ress this Eutton to operate split freTuency EetZeen9)2$ used for reception and 9)2% used fortransmission). If you press and hold in the [SPLIT@Eutton for one second the ³4uicN 6plit´ feature ZillEe engaged. 9)2% transmit Zill automatically Eeset to a freTuency N+] higher than the 9)2$ re-ceiYe freTuency Zith the same operating mode. 7hetransceiver will operate in the Split mode.[TXW] (TX Watch) Switch3ressing and holding this Eutton lets you monitor thetransmit freTuency Zhen split freTuency operation isengaged. 5elease the Eutton to return to normal splitfreTuency operation.