Page 76 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualThe powerful CW operating capabilities of the FTDX 3000 permit operation using an electronic Neyer paddle a ³straightNey´ or a computerEased Neying deYice.Setup For StrAight Key ( And StrAight Key eMulAtion) operAtion%efore starting connect your Ney line s to the front andor rear panel KEY jacN s . %e sure the [BK-IN@ button isturned off for now.. 3ress the [MODE@ button to engage CW operation.7he ³CW´ and ³USB´ icons Zill appear in the dis-play. 7he /(' inside the [MONI@ button glows or-ange and the &: monitor is actiYated.A dvice :If you select the ³&:´ mode again you Zill engagethe ³&: 5eYerse´ mode ZhereEy the ³opposite´sideEand injection is used compared to the ³normal´sideEand. 7he ³CW´ and ³LSB´ icons Zill appearin the display if you select &: 5eYerse.. 5otate the 0ain 7uning 'ial NnoE to select the de-sired operating freTuency.. 3ress the [BK-IN@ button to engage automatic acti-vation of the transmitter when you close the CW key.7he /(' inside the [BK-IN@ button glows orange.A dvice : :hen you close your &: Ney the transmitterZill automatically Ee actiYated and the &: car-rier will be transmitted. When you release theNey transmission Zill cease and after a Eriefdelay receiYe Zill Ee restored. 7he delay time isuser-programmable per the discussion on page83. $s shipped from the factory the FTDX 3000 7;5; system for &: is configured for ³6emiEreaNin´ operation. +oZeYer using 0enu item³061 CW BK-IN´ you may change this setupfor full EreaNin 46. operation ZhereEy thesZitching is TuicN enough to hear incoming sig-nals in the spaces between the dots and dashes ofyour transmission. This may prove very usefulduring contest and traffic handling operations.. 2peration using your &: Ney may noZ proceed.A dvice : You may adjust the CW sidetone audio level settingof 0enu item ³035 MONITOR LEVEL´.7o adjust the 0onitor leYel $ctiYate the 021I circuitry if necessary. 3ress and hold in the [MONI@ button for onesecond to enter the 0enu item ³135 MONITORLEVEL´. 3ress the [SELECT@ Eutton. :hile Neying rotate the [CLAR/VFO-B@ knobor press the ST button) to adjust the monitorlevel. :hen you are satisfied Zith the setting pressthe [SELECT@ Eutton then press the [MENU@button to save the new setting and exit to normaloperation. If you set the [BK-IN@ Eutton to 2ff you may prac-tice sending &: Zith the sidetone only Zithout haY-ing the signal go out over the air. If you reduce poZer Yia the 0enu item ³177 TXMAX POWER´ the $/& meter reading Zill increasethis is normal and does not indicate any problemZhatsoeYer Eecause increased $/& Yoltage is Eeingused to lower the power).terMinology:Semi-break-in7his is a pseudo´92;´ mode used on &: ZhereEy the closure of the &: Ney Zill engage the transmitter andrelease of the Ney Zill alloZ the receiYer to recoYer after a short delay. 1o signals Zill Ee heard during the spacesEetZeen dots and dashes unless the sending speed is e[tremely sloZ .Full break-in)ull EreaNin also NnoZn as ³)ull 46.´ inYolYes Yery fast sZitching EetZeen transmit and receiYe incomingsignals may be heard between the dots and dashes as you send them. This allows you to hear a station that sud-denly starts transmitting on your freTuency Zhile you are in the midst of a m oDe o peration[MONI] Button[BK-IN] Button [MODE] Button