Page 90 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualfm m oDe o peration[MODE] Button[MOX] Button[MIC/SPEED] Knob Main Tuning Dial Knobb ASic operAtion. 3ress the [MODE@ Eutton repeatedly until the ³FM´icon appears in the display to select the )0 operat-ing mode.. 5otate the 0ain 7uning 'ial NnoE to select the de-sired operating freTuency. 3ressing the microphone[UP@ or [DWN@ Euttons Zill cause freTuency changein N+] steps.. 3ress the microphone PTT sZitch or press the frontpanel [MOX@ button) to transmit. Speak into the mi-crophone in a normal Yoice leYel. 5elease the PTTor [MOX@ switch to return to receive.. $djustment of the microphone gain may Ee accom-plished in tZo Zays. $t the factory a default leYelhas been programmed that should be satisfactory formost situations. +oZeYer using 0enu item ³084FM MIC GAIN´ you may set a different fi[ed Yalueor choose the ³MCVR´ option Zhich then lets youuse the front panel [MIC/SPEED@ knob to set themicrophone gain in the )0 mode.A dvice : 'ial NnoE Yia 0enu item ³153 AMFM DIAL STEP´. You may change the tuning step of the microphone[UP@[DWN@ Eutton Yia the 0enu item ³157 FMCH STEP´. 7he 7ransmit 0onitor is another helpful way to veri-fy proper adjustment of the )0 0I& *ain. %y press-ing the [MONI@ Eutton you Zill Ee aEle to hear thedifferences in deviation as you make adjustments. )0 is only used in the 0+] and 0+] $ma-teur bands covered by the FTDX 3000. 3lease do notuse )0 on any other Eands.