Page 116 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anual036 RF SQL VR)unction 6elects the operation mode of the 5)64/knob.$YailaEle 9alues 5)64/'efault 6etting 5)037 CAT SELECT)unction 6elects the &$7 jacN to Ee used.$YailaEle 9alues 56&86%'efault 6etting 86%038 CAT RATE)unction 6ets the transceiYer computerinterfacecircuitry for the &$7 Eaud rate to Ee used.$YailaEle 9alues Eps'efault 6etting Eps039 CAT TIME OUT TIMER)unction 6ets the 7ime2ut 7imer countdoZn time fora &$7 command input.$YailaEle 9alues msec'efault 6etting msec7he 7ime2ut 7imer shuts off the &$7 data input after acontinuous transmission of the programmed time.040 CAT RTS)unction (naEles'isaEles the 576 port of the &$7jack.$YailaEle 9alues (1$%/('I6$%/('efault 6etting (1$%/(041 GENE MEM GRP)unction (naEles'isaEles 0emory *roup 2peration.$YailaEle 9alues (1$%/('I6$%/('efault 6etting 'I6$%/(042 QUICK SPLIT FREQ)unction 6elects the tuning offset for the 4uicN 6plitfeature.$YailaEle 9alues a a N+] N+] 6tep'efault 6etting N+]043 TX TIME OUT TIMER)unction 6ets the 7ime2ut 7imer countdoZn time.$YailaEle 9alues 2)) a min'efault 6etting 2)) min (uropean Yersion7he 7ime2ut 7imer shuts off the transmitter aftercontinuous transmission of the programmed time.044 uTUNE DIAL STEP)unction 6elects the 781( mode.$YailaEle 9alues 'I$/ 67(3'I$/ 67(3'efault 6etting 'I$/ 67(3'I$/ 67(3 $ctiYates the 781( system using³&2$56(´ steps of the >&/$59)2%@NnoE stepsclicN on the 0+] andloZer amateur Eands. 2n the 0+]Eands ³)I1(´ >&/$59)2%@ NnoEsteps Zill Ee used stepclicN .'I$/ 67(3 $ctiYates the 781( system using³)I1(´ steps of the >&/$59)2%@NnoE stepclicN on the 0+] andlower amateur bands.$dYice If an optional 5) 7uning .it is not connectedthis adjustment has no effect.045 MIC SCAN)unction (naElesdisaEles scanning access Yia themicrophone >83@>':1@ Neys.$YailaEle 9alues (1$%/('I6$%/('efault 6etting (1$%/(046 MIC SCAN RESUME)unction 6elects the 6can 5esume mode.$YailaEle 9alues 3$86(7I0('efault 6etting 7I0(3$86( 7 h e s c a n n e r Z i l l h o l d u n t i l t h e s i g n a ldisappears then Zill resume after one second.7I0( 7he scanner Zill hold for fiYe seconds thenresume whether or not the other station is stilltransmitting.047 FREQ ADJ)unction $djusts the reference oscillator.$YailaEle 9alues a a 'efault 6etting 7o caliErate the freTuency of your radio you Zill needa freTuency counter or set your receiYer to one of thetime standard freTuencies such as ::9 or ::9+.The following example describes a calibration methodZhile receiYing the ::9+ time standard freTuency inHawaii.. 7urn off Eoth 5; &/$5 and 7; &/$5 functionbefore adjustment.. 7une the radio to . 0+] Zith &:86%mode then adjust the $) NnoE to comfortaElelistening level.. (nter 6et 0enu Item ³047 FREQ ADJ´ and thenadjust the [CLAR/VFO-B@ NnoE so that the %$5display is illumination in the center on the meter.m enu m oDe