Page 27FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualD isplaY i nDications[VOX] (see page 72)7his is the 21 or 2)) indicator for the automaticYoiceactuated transmitter sZitching in the 66%$0 and )0 modes. 7he controls affecting 92;operation are the 0enu items ³181 VOX GAIN´³182 VOX DELAY´ and ³183 ANTI VOX GAIN´.%y proper adjustment of these controls handsfreevoice-actuated operation is possible.[METER]This indicator determines the function of the meterduring transmission.3ress the [STWX@ Euttons to select the ³ME-TER´ indicator then press the [SELECT@ buttonto select meter function in the transmit mode as fol-loZsPO à ALC à SWR à COMP àà ID à VDD à PO ……PO Indicates the 5) 3oZer 2utput from to :atts on transmit.ALC Indicates the relatiYe $/& Yoltage.SWR Indicates the 6tanding :aYe 5atio )orZard5eÀected .COMP Indicates the speech compressor leYel 66%mode only).ID Indicates the final amplifier drain current.VDD Indicates the final amplifier drain Yoltage.[PROC] (Processor) (see page 68)7his indicator enaEles the 6peech 3rocessor for 66%transmission. $djustment of the 3rocessor leYel isaccomplished via the [PROC/CAR@ knob.A dvice : 7he 6peech 3rocessor is a tool for increasingthe average power output through a compres-sion techniTue. +oZeYer if the 3rocessor leYelis adYanced too far the increase in compressionEecomes counterproductiYe as intelligiEilitywill suffer. We recommend that you monitor thesound of your signal using the 0onitor Zithheadphones).[DNR] (see page 57)This indicator turns the 0ain Eand 9)2$ re-ceiYer¶s 'igital 1oise 5eduction circuit on and off.$djustment of the 1oise 5eduction leYel is accom-plished Yia the 0enu item ³110 DNR LEVEL´.[MIC EQ] (see page 66)7his indicator enaEles the 7hree%and3arametric0icrophone (Tuali]er. 7he (Tuali]er settings areactiYated Yia the 0enu.[DNF] (see page 57)This indicator turns the 0ain Eand 9)2$ receiY-er¶s 'igital 1otch )ilter on and off. 7his is an auto-matic circuit and there is no adjustment NnoE for the'1).[KEYER] (see page 77)This indicator toggles the internal CW keyer on andoff. 7he .eyer sending speed is adjusted Yia thefront panel’s [MIC/SPEED@ knob and the CW Hang7ime is adjusted Yia the 0enu item ³062 CW BK-INDELAY´.[ZIN/SPOT] (see page 81)This indicator enables the CW receiver spotting tone.%y matching the 6327 tone to that of the incoming&: signal precisely the same pitch you Zill Ee³]ero Eeating´ your transmitted signal Zith the fre-Tuency of the other station.CLOCKIndicates the current time.7o set the clocN. 3ress and hold the [C.S@ Eutton until the Àashingclock digits appear on the display.. (nter the present time Yia the numEer Neys Eandkeys).. 3ress the [ENT@ button.4. Setup of the clock is now complete.Sub (VFO-B) Frequency Display7his is the 6uE Eand 9)2% freTuency display.A dvice : When turning the [CLAR@ [MIC/SPEED@[PROC/CAR@ [NOTCH@ [CONT/APF@[SHIFT@ or [WIDTH@ [MIC@ NnoE each fre-Tuency or Yalue will appear in this area for 3 sec-onds.DSP DisplayThis indicator is used for viewing the status of the'63 &217285 127&+ :I'7+ and 6+I)7 .