Page 68 FT DX 3000 O peraTing M anualu Sing the Speech proceSSor (SSb Mode)The FTDX 3000 6peech 3rocessor is designed to increase ³talN poZer´ Ey increasing the aYerage poZer output Yia a so-phisticated compression techniTue and adjusting the audio Tuality to the menu settings ³166 P-PRMTRC EQ1 FREQ´³169 P-PRMTRC EQ2 FREQ´ ³172 P-PRMTRC EQ3 FREQ´ . 7he result is improYed intelligiEility Zhen conditionsare difficult.. $djust the [MIC/SPEED@ NnoE as descriEed onpage .. 3ress the [S/T/W/X@ Eutton to select the ³METER´then press the [SELECT@ Eutton to select ³COMP´&ompression meter.. 3ress the [S/T/W/X@ Eutton to select the ³PROC´then press the [SELECT@ button to select ³ON´.7he ³PROC´ Zill appear in the display confirmingthat the 6peech 3rocessor is engaged.. 3ress the PTT sZitch on the microphone and speaNinto the microphone in a normal voice level.. $djust the [PROC/CAR@ knob to set the compres-sion leYel Zithin the d% to d% range.enhancinG transmit s iGnal Q ualitY5 ~10dB. 7o sZitch the 6peech 3rocessor off press the [SE-LECT@ Eutton once more. 7he ³PROC´ Zill turnoff confirming that the 6peech processor is turnedoff.A dvice : ³177 TX MAX PWR´ Zhether or not the 6peech3rocessor is engaged. -i]er Zhen the speech processor is engaged using0enu Items ³168´ through ³176´. 6ee page for details.[SELECT] Button[MIC/SPEED] Knob [S/T/W/X ] Button