7-20SETTING TUNNOTE:9If the machine is new and after it is broken in,the same set length of the spring may changebecause of the initial fatigue, etc. of the spring.Therefore, be sure to make re-evaluation.9If the standard figure cannot be achieved byadjusting the spring adjuster and changing thespring set length, replace the spring with anoptional one and make re-adjustment.EC72G020Setting of spring after replacementAfter replacement, be sure to adjust the spring tothe set length [sunken length 90~100 mm(3.5~3.9 in)] and set it.1. Use of soft spring9Set the soft spring for less rebound damp-ing to compensate for its less spring load.Run with the rebound damping adjusterone or two clicks on the softer side andreadjust it to suit your preference.2. Use of stiff spring9Set the soft spring for more rebound damp-ing to compensate for its greater springload. Run with the rebound dampingadjuster one or two clicks on the stiffer sideand readjust it to suit your preference.Adjusting the rebound damping will be fol-lowed more or less by a change in the com-pression damping. For correction, turn thelow compression damping adjuster on thesofter side.