CABLE ROUTING2-601. Immobilizer unit lead2. Left radiator fan motor lead3. Radiator fan motor relay4. ECU (engine control unit)5. ECU (engine control unit) bracket6. Radiator inlet pipe7. Cable guideA. To the handlebar switchB. To the main harness branch lead, throttlebodyC. To the throttle position sensor (for throttlevalves)D. Connect the main switch lead, steeringdamper lead and left radiator fan motorlead and put the connector cover.E. To the turn signalF. Insert the clamp winding the main harnessinto the ECU (engine control unit) brackethole.G. The leads should not be twisted togetherbetween the clamps.H. To the intake air temperature sensor andheadlightI. To the front speed sensorJ. Align the main switch lead (white) to thetape and clamp it inside of the front fork.Route the lead from the switch to the con-nector (bottom to up).K. Outside of the vehicle.L. Inside of the vehicle.M. Face the end of the clamp to front andinside of the vehicle.N. Order insignificant-main switch lead, steer-ing damper lead and immobilizer unit lead.O. Face the end of the clamp to rear of thevehicle.P. Route the main harness outside of theradiator inlet pipe.Q. Route the immobilizer unit lead under thethermostat bypass hose 3 and to inside ofthe vehicle.R. Face the end of the band to inside of thevehicle and then below the main switchlead, handlebar switch lead and steeringdamper lead and also between radiator fanstay.S. Fasten the main harness above the riblocated at the back of the ECU (enginecontrol unit) bracket.T. Align the main switch lead (white), left han-dlebar switch lead (at the positioning tape),steering damper lead (white) and frontspeed sensor lead (white) to the tapes andclamp them inside of the front fork.U. Face the end of the clamp to bottom of thevehicle and insert it into the cable guide.Manuals by Motomatrix / / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: