PERIODIC MAINTENANCE3-17b. Turn the adjusting bolt “2” in direction “a” or“b” until the specified brake pedal positionis obtained.WARNINGEWA13070After adjusting the brake pedal position,check that the end of the adjusting bolt “c”is visible through the hole “d”.c. Tighten the locknut “1” to specification.WARNINGEWA13050A soft or spongy feeling in the brake levercan indicate the presence of air in the brakesystem. Before the vehicle is operated, theair must be removed by bleeding the brakesystem. Air in the brake system will consid-erably reduce braking performance.ECA13510After adjusting the brake pedal position,make sure there is no brake drag.▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲3. Adjust:• Rear brake light switchRefer to “ADJUSTING THE REARBRAKE LIGHT SWITCH” on page 3-33.EAS21260CHECKING THE REAR BRAKE PADSThe following procedure applies to all of thebrake pads.1. Operate the brake.2. Check:• Rear brake padWear indicators “1” almost touch thebrake disc → Replace the brake pads asa set.Refer to “REAR BRAKE” on page 4-44.EAS21360BLEEDING THE HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYS-TEMWARNINGEWA13100Bleed the hydraulic brake system when-ever:• the system is disassembled.• a brake hose is loosened, disconnectedor replaced.• the brake fluid level is very low.• brake operation is faulty.TIP• Be careful not to spill any brake fluid or allowthe brake fluid reservoir to overflow.• When bleeding the hydraulic brake system,make sure there is always enough brake fluidbefore applying the brake. Ignoring this pre-caution could allow air to enter the hydraulicbrake system, considerably lengthening thebleeding procedure.• If bleeding is difficult, it may be necessary tolet the brake fluid settle for a few hours.Repeat the bleeding procedure when the tinybubbles in the hose have disappeared.1. Bleed:• Hydraulic brake system▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼a. Fill the brake fluid reservoir to the properlevel with the recommended brake fluid.b. Install the brake fluid reservoir diaphragm.c. Connect a clear plastic hose “1” tightly tothe bleed screw “2”.Direction “a”Brake pedal is raised.Direction “b”Brake pedal is lowered.Locknut16 Nm (1.6 m·kgf, 11 ft·lbf)Manuals by Motomatrix / / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: