CABLE ROUTING2-581. Union bolt2. Washer3. Exhaust chamber cover4. Right footrest assembly5. Brake caliper6. Brake hose7. Brake hose holder8. Brake master cylinder9. Footrest plate10.Brake fluid reservoir hose11.Clamp12.Right muffler pipe cover13.Pin14.Washer15.Cotter pinA. Route the rear brake light switch leadbetween the top and bottom frame bossesfor installing the right footrest assemblyand to inside of the frame.B. 12–18 mm (0.47–0.71 in)C. 6–12 mm (0.24–0.47 in)D. Fit the lightening point of the brake lightwithin 6–12 mm (0.24–0.47 in) by adjustingthe adjusting nut of the rear brake lightswitch.E. Install the exhaust chamber cover to theright footrest assembly by aligning it to thebottom hole of the exhaust chamber cover.F. Adjust the sag of the rear brake light switchlead so that it is not outside of the rightfootrest assembly.G. The rear brake light switch lead should bedirected as shown in the illustration.H. When installing the rear brake caliperbracket, make sure to fit the torque recep-tor convex of the rear brake caliper bracketand torque receptor groove of theswingarm.I. Make sure to pass the brake hose throughthe brake hose holder.J. Install the brake hose with its paint markfacing the brake master cylinder andupward.K. Route the brake fluid reservoir hose insideof the brake hose.L. Install the brake hose by contacting itagainst the stopper.M. Install the end of the exhaust chambercover within the area shown in the illustra-tion.N. Route the rear brake light switch leadbetween the ribs of the exhaust chambercover.O. Make sure to bend the cotter pin. It can bebent in the same direction.P. When installing the exhaust chambercover, route the rear brake light switch leadin front of the projection of the right footrestassembly.Q. Projection of the right footrest assemblyR. Face the clamp in the direction shown inthe illustration.Manuals by Motomatrix / / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: