ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS8-131b. Check the charge of the battery, as shownin the charts and the following example.▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲▲5. Charge:• Battery(refer to the appropriate charging methodillustration)WARNINGEWA13300Do not quick charge a battery.ECA13670• Never remove the VRLA (Valve RegulatedLead Acid) battery sealing caps.• Do not use a high-rate battery chargersince it forces a high-amperage currentinto the battery quickly and can causebattery overheating and battery platedamage.• If it is impossible to regulate the chargingcurrent on the battery charger, be carefulnot to overcharge the battery.• When charging a battery, be sure toremove it from the vehicle. (If charginghas to be done with the battery mountedon the vehicle, disconnect the batterynegative lead from the battery terminal.)• To reduce the chance of sparks, do notplug in the battery charger until the bat-tery charger leads are connected to thebattery.• Before removing the battery charger leadclips from the battery terminals, be sureto turn off the battery charger.• Make sure the battery charger lead clipsare in full contact with the battery termi-nal and that they are not shorted. A cor-roded battery charger lead clip maygenerate heat in the contact area and aweak clip spring may cause sparks.• If the battery becomes hot to the touch atany time during the charging process,disconnect the battery charger and let thebattery cool before reconnecting it. Hotbatteries can explode!• As shown in the following illustration, theopen-circuit voltage of an VRLA (ValveRegulated Lead Acid) battery stabilizesabout 30 minutes after charging has beencompleted. Therefore, wait 30 minutesafter charging is completed before mea-suring the open-circuit voltage.ExampleOpen-circuit voltage = 12.0 VCharging time = 6.5 hoursCharge of the battery = 20–30%A. Open-circuit voltage (V)B. Charging time (hours)C. Relationship between the open-circuit volt-age and the charging time at 20 °C (68 °F)D. These values vary with the temperature,the condition of the battery plates, and theelectrolyte level.A. Open-circuit voltage (V)B. Charging condition of the battery (%)C. Ambient temperature 20 °C (68 °F)Manuals by Motomatrix / www.motomatrix.co.uk / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: info@motomatrix.co.uk