CONNECTING RODS AND PISTONS5-784. Calculate:• Piston-pin-to-piston-pin-bore clearanceOut of specification → Replace the pistonpin and piston as a set.EAS14B1023CHECKING THE CONNECTING RODS1. Measure:• Crankshaft-pin-to-big-end-bearing clear-anceOut of specification → Replace the bigend bearings.▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼▼The following procedure applies to all of theconnecting rods.ECA13930Do not interchange the big end bearingsand connecting rods. To obtain the correctcrankshaft-pin-to-big-end-bearing clear-ance and prevent engine damage, the bigend bearings must be installed in their orig-inal positions.a. Clean the big end bearings, crankshaftpins, and the inside of the connecting rodshalves.b. Install the big end upper bearing into theconnecting rod and the big end lower bear-ing into the connecting rod cap.TIPAlign the projections “a” on the big end bear-ings with the notches “b” in the connecting rodand connecting rod cap.c. Put a piece of Plastigauge® “1” on thecrankshaft pin.d. Assemble the connecting rod halves.ECA14B1041Tighten the connecting rod bolts using theplastic-region tightening angle method.Always install new bolts.TIP• Replace the connecting rod bolts with newones.• Clean the connecting rod bolts and lubricatethe bolt threads and seats with molybdenumdisulfide oil.• Make sure that the projection “a” on the con-necting rod cap faces the same direction asthe “Y” mark “b” on the connecting rod.Piston-pin-to-piston-pin-bore clearance =Piston pin bore inside diameter “b” -Piston pin outside diameter “a”Piston-pin-to-piston-pin-boreclearance0.002–0.022 mm (0.0001–0.0009 in)Limit0.072 mm (0.0028 in)Crankshaft-pin-to-big-end-bear-ing clearance0.034–0.058 mm(0.0013–0.0023 in)Limit0.09 mm (0.0035 in)Manuals by Motomatrix / / The Solution For Lost Motorcycle Coded Keysemail: