ROV2PTOV has two voltage steps, where step 1 can be set as inverse or definite timedelayed. Step 2 is always definite time delayed.7.3.3 Function blockROV2PTOVU3P*BLOCKBLKST1BLKST2TRIPTR1TR2STARTST1ST2IEC09000273_1_en.vsdIEC09000273 V1 ENFigure 74: ROV2PTOV function block7.3.4 SignalsTable 123:ROV2PTOV Input signalsName Type Default DescriptionU3P GROUPSIGNAL- Three phase group signal for voltage inputsBLOCK BOOLEAN 0 Block of functionBLKST1 BOOLEAN 0 Block of step 1BLKST2 BOOLEAN 0 Block of step 2Table 124:ROV2PTOV Output signalsName Type DescriptionTRIP BOOLEAN General trip signalTR1 BOOLEAN Trip signal from step 1TR2 BOOLEAN Trip signal from step 2START BOOLEAN General start signalST1 BOOLEAN Start signal from step 1ST2 BOOLEAN Start signal from step 27.3.5 SettingsTable 125:ROV2PTOV Group settings (basic)Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptionOperation OffOn- - Off Operation Off / OnOperationStep1 OffOn- - On Enable execution of step 1Characterist1 Definite timeInverse curve AInverse curve BInverse curve C- - Definite time Selection of time delay curve type for step1Table continues on next page1MRK 511 287-UEN A Section 7Voltage protection171Technical manual