• P, Q and S: three phase active, reactive and apparent power• PF: power factor• U: phase-to-phase voltage amplitude• I: phase current amplitude• F: power system frequencyThe output values are displayed in the local HMI under Main menu/Tests/Functionstatus/Monitoring/CVMMXN/OutputsThe measuring functions CMMXU, VNMMXU and VMMXU provide physicalquantities:• I: phase currents (amplitude and angle) (CMMXU)• U: voltages (phase-to-earth and phase-to-phase voltage, amplitude and angle)(VMMXU, VNMMXU)It is possible to calibrate the measuring function above to get better then class 0.5presentation. This is accomplished by angle and amplitude compensation at 5, 30 and100% of rated current and at 100% of rated voltage.The power system quantities provided, depends on the actualhardware, (TRM) and the logic configuration made in PCM600.The measuring functions CMSQI and VMSQI provide sequence componentquantities:• I: sequence currents (positive, zero, negative sequence, amplitude and angle)• U: sequence voltages (positive, zero and negative sequence, amplitude andangle).The CVMMXN function calculates three-phase power quantities by usingfundamental frequency phasors (DFT values) of the measured current respectivelyvoltage signals. The measured power quantities are available either, asinstantaneously calculated quantities or, averaged values over a period of time (lowpass filtered) depending on the selected settings.12.1.2 Measurements CVMMXN12.1.2.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberMeasurements CVMMXNP, Q, S, I, U, fSYMBOL-RR V1 EN-Section 12 1MRK 511 287-UEN AMonitoring392Technical manual