for GblBaseSelBus or GblBaseSelLine and to be considered dead it must be below40% of set UBase selected forGblBaseSelBus or GblBaseSelLine.The frequency on both sides of the circuit breaker is also measured. The frequenciesmust not deviate from the rated frequency more than +/-5Hz.The Energizing direction can be selected individually for the Manual and theAutomatic functions respectively. When the conditions are met the outputsAUTOENOK and MANENOK respectively will be activated if the fuse supervisionconditions are fulfilled. The output signal can be delayed independently forMANENOK and AUTOENOK conditions. The Energizing direction can also beselected by an integer input AENMODE respective MENMODE, which for example,can be connected to a Binary to Integer function block (B16I). Integers supplied shallbe 1=off, 2=DLLB, 3=DBLL and 4= Both. Not connected input with connection ofINTZERO output from Fixed Signals (FIXDSIGN) function block will mean that thesetting is done from Parameter Setting tool. The active position can be read on outputsMODEAEN resp MODEMEN. The modes are 0=OFF, 1=DLLB, 2=DBLL and3=Both.The inputs BLOCK and BLKENERG are available for total block of the completeSESRSYN function respective block of the Energizing check function. TSTENERGwill allow testing of the function where the fulfilled conditions are connected to aseparate test output. Fuse failure supervisionExternal fuse failure signals or signals from a tripped fuse switch/MCB are connectedto binary inputs that are configured to the inputs of SESRSYN function in the IED.Alternatively, the internal signals from fuse failure supervision can be used whenavailable. There are two alternative connection possibilities. Inputs labelled OK mustbe connected if the available contact indicates that the voltage circuit is healthy. Inputslabelled FF must be connected if the available contact indicates that the voltage circuitis faulty.The UB1OK/UB2OK and UB1FF/UB2FF inputs are related to the busbar voltage andthe ULN1OK/ULN2OK and ULN1FF/ULN2FF inputs are related to the line voltage.Configure them to the binary input or function outputs that indicate the status of theexternal fuse failure of the busbar and line voltages. In the event of a fuse failure, theenergizing check function is blocked. The synchronizing and the synchrocheckfunction requires full voltage on both sides, thus no blocking at fuse failure is needed. Voltage selectionThe voltage selection module including supervision of included voltage transformersfor the different arrangements is a basic part of the SESRSYN function and determinesthe voltages fed to the Synchronizing, Synchrocheck and Energizing check functions.This includes the selection of the appropriate Line and Bus voltages and MCBsupervision.1MRK 511 287-UEN A Section 10Control219Technical manual