Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptiontSprngChrgAlm 0.00 - 60.00 s 0.01 1.00 Setting of alarm for spring charging timetPressAlm 0.00 - 60.00 s 0.01 0.10 Time delay for gas pressure alarmTPressLO 0.00 - 60.00 s 0.01 0.10 Time delay for gas pressure lockoutAccEnerInitVal 0.00 - 9999.99 - 0.01 0.00 Accumulation energy initial valueCountInitVal 0 - 9999 - 1 0 Operation numbers counter initializationvalueCBRemLife 0 - 9999 - 1 5000 Initial value for the CB remaining lifeestimatesInactDayAlm 0 - 9999 Day 1 2000 Alarm limit value of the inactive dayscounterInactDayInit 0 - 9999 Day 1 0 Initial value of the inactive days counterInactHourAlm 0 - 23 Hour 1 0 Alarm time of the inactive days counter inhours12.18.6 Monitored dataTable 430:SSCBR Monitored dataName Type Values (Range) Unit DescriptionCBOTRVT REAL - ms Travel time of the CBduring opening operationCBCLTRVT REAL - ms Travel time of the CBduring closing operationSPRCHRT REAL - s The charging time of theCB springNO_OPR INTEGER - - Number of CB operationcycleNOOPRDAY INTEGER - - The number of days CBhas been inactiveCBLIFEL1 INTEGER - - CB Remaining life phaseL1CBLIFEL2 INTEGER - - CB Remaining life phaseL2CBLIFEL3 INTEGER - - CB Remaining life phaseL3IACCL1 REAL - - Accumulated currentspower (Iyt), phase L1IACCL2 REAL - - Accumulated currentspower (Iyt), phase L2IACCL3 REAL - - Accumulated currentspower (Iyt), phase L312.18.7 Operation principleThe circuit breaker condition monitoring function includes a number of metering andmonitoring subfunctions. The functions can be enabled and disabled with the1MRK 511 287-UEN A Section 12Monitoring491Technical manual