Alarm limit checkThe IACCALM alarm is activated when the accumulated energy exceeds the value setwith the AccCurrAlmLvl threshold setting. However, when the energy exceeds thelimit value set with the AccCurrLO threshold setting, the IACCLOAL output isactivated.The IACCALM and IACCLOAL outputs can be blocked by activating the binary inputBLOCK. Remaining life of the circuit breakerEvery time the breaker operates, the life of the circuit breaker reduces due to wear off.The breaker wear off depends on the tripping current. The remaining life of thebreaker is estimated from the circuit breaker trip curve provided by the manufacturer.The remaining life is decremented at least by one when the circuit breaker is opened.The operation of the remaining life of the circuit breaker subfunction can be describedby using a module diagram. All the modules in the diagram are explained in the nextsections.GUID-1565CD41-3ABF-4DE7-AF68-51623380DF29 V1 ENFigure 238: Functional module diagram for estimating the life of the circuitbreakerCircuit breaker life estimatorThe circuit breaker life estimator module calculates the remaining life of the circuitbreaker. If the tripping current is less than the rated operating current set with theRatedOpCurr setting, the remaining operation of the breaker reduces by oneoperation. If the tripping current is more than the rated fault current set with theRatedFaultCurr setting, then remaining operations of the circuit breaker are reducedby the OperNoRated/OperNoFault value. The remaining life due to the trippingcurrent in between these two values is calculated based on the trip curve given by themanufacturer. The OpNumRatCurr and OPNumFaultCurr parameters set the numberof operations the breaker can perform at the rated current and at the rated fault current,respectively.Section 12 1MRK 511 287-UEN AMonitoring498Technical manual