Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptionDrepChNoIP 0 - 30 Ch 1 0 Recorder input number recording 3I0 onparallel lineDrepChNoUL1 1 - 30 Ch 1 5 Recorder input number recording phasevoltage, UL1DrepChNoUL2 1 - 30 Ch 1 6 Recorder input number recording phasevoltage, UL2DrepChNoUL3 1 - 30 Ch 1 7 Recorder input number recording phasevoltage, UL312.14.6 Monitored dataTable 410:LMBRFLO Monitored dataName Type Values (Range) Unit DescriptionFLT_REL REAL - - Distance to fault, relativeFLT_DIST REAL - - Distance to fault in linelength unitFLT_X REAL - Ohm Reactive distance to faultFLT_R REAL - Ohm Resistive distance to faultFLT_LOOP INTEGER 0=---1=L1-N2=L2-N3=L3-N4=L1-L25=L2-L36=L3-L17=L1-L2-L3- Fault loop12.14.7 Operation principleThe Fault locator (LMBRFLO) in the IED is an essential complement to othermonitoring functions, since it measures and indicates the distance to the fault withhigh accuracy.When calculating distance to fault, pre-fault and fault phasors of currents and voltagesare selected from the Trip value recorder data, thus the analog signals used by the faultlocator must be among those connected to the disturbance report function. The analogconfiguration (channel selection) is performed using the parameter setting tool withinPCM600.The calculation algorithm considers the effect of load currents, double-end infeed andadditional fault resistance.Section 12 1MRK 511 287-UEN AMonitoring474Technical manual