comes to password, upon pressing the key, the following characters will show up:“✳✳✳✳✳✳✳✳”. The user must scroll for every letter in the password. After all theletters are introduced (passwords are case sensitive) choose OK and press the keyagain.At successful Log on, the local HMI shows the new user name in the status bar at thebottom of the LCD. If the Log on is OK, when required to change for example apassword protected setting, the local HMI returns to the actual setting folder. If theLog on has failed, an "Error Access Denied" message opens. If a user enters anincorrect password three times, that user will be blocked for ten minutes before a newattempt to log in can be performed. The user will be blocked from logging in, bothfrom the local HMI and PCM600. However, other users are to log in during thisperiod.15.13 Authority management AUTHMAN15.13.1 IdentificationFunction description IEC 61850identificationIEC 60617identificationANSI/IEEE C37.2device numberAuthority management AUTHMAN - -15.13.2 AUTHMANThis function enables/disables the maintenance menu. It also controls themaintenance menu log on time out.15.13.3 SettingsTable 522:AUTHMAN Non group settings (basic)Name Values (Range) Unit Step Default DescriptionMaintMenuEnable NoYes- - Yes Maintenance menu enabledAuthTimeout 10 Min20 Min30 Min40 Min50 Min60 Min- - 10 Min Authority blocking timeoutSection 15 1MRK 511 287-UEN ABasic IED functions580Technical manual