Engine Coolant HeaterYour vehicle may be equipped with an enginecoolant heater.In very cold weather, 0°F (−18°C) or colder, theengine coolant heater can help. You will get easierstarting and better fuel economy during enginewarm-up.Usually, the coolant heater should be plugged in aminimum of four hours prior to starting yourvehicle. At temperatures above 32°F (0°C), use ofthe coolant heater is not required. Your vehiclemay also have an internal thermostat in theplug end of the cord. This will prevent operation ofthe engine coolant heater when the temperatureis at or above 0°F (−18°C) as noted on the cord.To Use the Engine Coolant Heater1. Turn off the engine.2. Open the hood and unwrap the electrical cord.For the 3.6L V6 engine, the cord is located inthe engine compartment on the passenger’sside of the vehicle in front of the fuse block.For the 4.6L V8 engine, the cord is located inthe engine compartment on the driver’sside of the vehicle near the inner fender andabove the strut.For the 4.4L V8 engine, the cord is located inthe front of the engine compartment, onthe passenger’s side of the vehicle. The plugwill be inside the upper grille cutout.3. You must remove the plastic cap to accessthe plug.115