Read the instructions completely before attemptingto program the Universal Home Remote.Because of the steps involved, it may be helpful tohave another person available to assist you inthe programming steps.Keep the original hand-held transmitter for use inother vehicles as well as for future UniversalHome Remote programming. It is alsorecommended that upon the sale of the vehicle,the programmed Universal Home Remote buttonsshould be erased for security purposes. See“Erasing Universal Home Remote Buttons” later inthis section or, for assistance, see CustomerAssistance Offices on page 529.Be sure that people and objects are clear of thegarage door or gate operator you areprogramming. When programming a garage door,it is advised to park outside of the garage.It is recommended that a new battery be installedin your hand-held transmitter for quicker andmore accurate transmission of the radio-frequencysignal.Programming Universal Home RemoteFollow these steps to program up to threechannels:1. Press and hold down the two outsideUniversal Home Remote buttons, releasingonly when the Universal Home Remoteindicator light begins to flash, after20 seconds. Do not hold down the buttons forlonger than 30 seconds and do not repeatthis step to program a second and/orthird hand-held transmitter to the remainingtwo Universal Home Remote buttons.2. Position the end of your hand-held transmitterabout 1 to 3 inches (3 to 8 cm) away from theUniversal Home Remote buttons whilekeeping the indicator light in view.3. Simultaneously press and hold both thedesired Universal Home Remote buttonand the hand-held transmitter button. Do notrelease the buttons until Step 4 has beencompleted.Some entry gates and garage door openersmay require you to substitute Step 3 withthe procedure noted in “Gate Operator andCanadian Programming” later in this section.143