KEYLESS LOCK DELAYThis feature allows you to select whether thedoors automatically lock during normal vehicle exit.When the ignition is turned off and all doorsbecome closed, the vehicle will determine howmany keyless access transmitters remain inthe vehicle interior. If at least one keyless accesstransmitter has been removed from the interiorof the vehicle, the doors will lock after 10 seconds.For example, if there are two keyless accesstransmitters in the vehicle and one is removed, theother will be locked in. The keyless accesstransmitter locked in the vehicle can still be usedto start the vehicle or unlock the doors, ifneeded. A person approaching the outside of thelocked vehicle without an authorized keylessaccess transmitter, however, will not be able toopen the door, even with a transmitter in thevehicle.You may temporarily disable the passive doorlocking feature by pressing the door unlock switchfor three seconds on an open door. Passivedoor locking will then remain disabled until a doorlock switch is pressed or until the power modetransitions from the off power mode.Programmable ModesMode 1: ONMode 2: OFFBefore your vehicle was shipped from the factory,it was programmed to Mode 2. The mode towhich the vehicle was programmed may havebeen changed since it left the factory.To program the vehicle to a different mode, usethe following procedure:1. Enter the PERSONAL SETTINGS MENU byfollowing the instructions listed previouslyunder “Entering the Personal Settings Menu.”2. Turn the tune/select knob until KEYLESSLOCK DELAY is highlighted.3. Press the tune/select knob to switch back andforth between on and off.When the mode is turned on, a check markwill appear next to the feature name.The mode you selected is now set. You can eitherexit the programming mode by following theinstructions later in this section or program thenext feature available on your vehicle.166