Resuming a Set SpeedSuppose you set the cruise control at a desiredspeed and then you apply the brake. This, ofcourse, disengages the cruise control. But it doesnot need to be reset.Once you are going about 25 mph (40 km/h) ormore, you can move the cruise control switchbriefly from on to resume/accelerate.You will go right back up to your chosen speedand stay there.If you hold the switch at resume/accelerate thevehicle will keep going faster until you release theswitch or apply the brake. Do not hold theswitch at resume/accelerate, unless you want thevehicle to go faster.Increasing Speed While Using CruiseControlThere are two ways to go to a higher speed:• Use the accelerator pedal to get to the higherspeed. Press the set button at the end of thelever, then release the button and theaccelerator pedal. You will now cruise at thehigher speed.• Move the cruise switch from on to resume/accelerate. Hold it there until you get up to thedesired speed, and then release the switch. Toincrease your speed in very small amounts,move the switch briefly to resume/accelerate.Each time you do this, your vehicle will goabout 1 mph (1.6 km/h) faster.If using the accelerator pedal and the set button atend of the lever to increase cruise set speed, yournew set speed must be at least 5 mph higher thancurrent speed for this method to work. If it is not5 mph higher, switch cruise switch off, then on, andthen reset your speed using the set button.195