StabiliTrak® SystemYour vehicle is equipped with a vehicle stabilityenhancement system called StabiliTrak®. Itis an advanced computer controlled system thatassists you with directional control of the vehicle indifficult driving conditions.StabiliTrak® activates when the computer senses adiscrepancy between your intended path and thedirection the vehicle is actually traveling.StabiliTrak® selectively applies braking pressure atany one of the vehicle’s brakes to help steer thevehicle in the direction which you are steering.When the system activates, a STABILITY SYSACTIVE message will be displayed on the DriverInformation Center. See DIC Warnings andMessages on page 264. You may also hear anoise or feel vibration in the brake pedal. This isnormal. Continue to steer the vehicle in thedirection you want it to go.If there is a problem detected with StabiliTrak®, aSERVICE STABILITY SYS message will bedisplayed on the Driver Information Center. SeeDIC Warnings and Messages on page 264. Whenthis message is displayed, the system is notoperational. Driving should be adjustedaccordingly.StabiliTrak® comes on automatically whenever youstart your vehicle. To help assist you withdirectional control of the vehicle, you shouldalways leave the system on. You can turnStabiliTrak® off if you ever need to through theTC (traction control) on/off button. See TractionControl System (TCS) on page 323.If your vehicle is in cruise control when theStabiliTrak® activates, the cruise control willautomatically disengage. When road conditionsallow you to safely use it again, you may reengagethe cruise control. See Cruise Control onpage 193 or Adaptive Cruise Control on page 197for more information.326