Managing the Vehicle DamageRepair ProcessIn the event that your vehicle requires damagerepairs, GM recommends that you take an activerole in its repair. If you have a pre-determinedrepair facility of choice, take your vehicle there, orhave it towed there. Specify to the facility thatany required replacement collision parts be originalequipment parts, either new Genuine GM partsor recycled original GM parts. Remember, recycledparts will not be covered by your GM vehiclewarranty.Insurance pays the bill for the repair, but you mustlive with the repair. Depending on your policylimits, your insurance company may initially valuethe repair using aftermarket parts. Discuss thiswith your repair professional, and insist onGenuine GM parts.Remember if your vehicle is leased you may beobligated to have the vehicle repaired withGenuine GM parts, even if your insurancecoverage does not pay the full cost.If another party’s insurance company is paying forthe repairs, you are not obligated to accept arepair valuation based on that insurancecompany’s collision policy repair limits, as youhave no contractual limits with that company. Insuch cases, you can have control of the repair andparts choices as long as cost stays withinreasonable limits.541