To display the last message, perform thefollowing steps:1. Press the tune/select knob to enter themain menu.2. Turn the tune/select knob until RECALL RDSMESSAGE displays.3. Press the tune/select knob and the messagedisplays.Once the message displays, MSG disappearsfrom the display until another new messageis received.TP (Traffic Program): TP displays when theradio detects a signal from an RDS station that hastraffic announcement broadcast capability.TA (Traffic Announcement): If TA displays, thetuned radio station broadcasts trafficannouncements, and when a traffic announcementcomes on the tuned station, you will hear it.If the station does not broadcast trafficannouncements, when TA is turned on it seeks to astation that does. When a station that broadcaststraffic announcements is found, the radio stopsseeking and TA displays. If no station is found thatbroadcasts traffic announcements, No Trafficdisplays.The radio plays traffic announcements if the volumeis low. The radio interrupts the play of a CD if thelast tuned station broadcasts trafficannouncements.To turn TA on or off, perform the following steps:1. Press the tune/select knob to enter themain menu.2. Turn the tune/select knob until TRAFFICANNOUNCE displays.3. Press the tune/select knob to select ON orOFF. An X appears in the box when ON isselected.4. Press the BACK (F6) button to exit thedisplay. To return to the original display,repeatedly press the BACK (F6) button or waitfor the display to time out.289