OnStar® Steering Wheel ControlsYour vehicle may have a Talk/Mute button thatcan be used to interact with OnStar® Hands-FreeCalling. See Audio Steering Wheel Controls onpage 310 for more information.On some vehicles, you may have to hold thebutton for a few seconds and give the command“ONSTAR” in order to activate the OnStar®Hands-Free Calling feature.On some vehicles, the mute button can be used todial numbers into voicemail systems, or to dialphone extensions. See the OnStar® Owner’sGuide for more information.How OnStar® Service WorksIn order to provide you with OnStar® services,your vehicle’s OnStar® system has the capabilityof recording and transmitting vehicle information.This information is automatically sent to anOnStar® Call Center at the time of an OnStar®button press, Emergency button press or ifyour airbags or AACN system deploys. The vehicleinformation usually includes your GPS locationand, in the event of a crash, additional informationregarding the accident that your vehicle hasbeen involved in (e.g. the direction from whichyour vehicle was hit). When you use the VirtualAdvisor feature of OnStar® Hands-Free Calling,your vehicle also sends OnStar® your GPSlocation so that we can provide you withlocation-based services.OnStar® service cannot work unless your vehicleis in a place where OnStar® has an agreementwith a wireless service provider for service in thatarea. OnStar® service also cannot work unlessyou are in a place where the wireless serviceprovider OnStar® has hired for that areahas coverage, network capacity and receptionwhen the service is needed, and technology thatis compatible with the OnStar® service. Not allservices are available everywhere, particularly inremote or enclosed areas, or at all times.OnStar® service that involves location informationabout your vehicle cannot work unless GPSsatellite signals are unobstructed and available inthat place as well.134