Because there are different systems, it is importantto refer to the instructions that come with therestraint. A child can be endangered in a crash ifthe child is not properly secured in the childrestraint.Where to Put the RestraintAccident statistics show that children are safer ifthey are restrained in the rear rather than the frontseat. We recommend that child restraints besecured in a rear seat, including an infant riding in arear-facing infant seat, a child riding in aforward-facing child seat and an older child riding ina booster seat.Your vehicle has a rear seat that will accommodatea rear-facing child restraint. A label on your sunvisor says, “Never put a rear-facing child seatin the front.” This is because the risk to therear-facing child is so great, if the airbag deploys.{CAUTION:A child in a rear-facing child restraint canbe seriously injured or killed if the rightfront passenger’s airbag inflates. This isbecause the back of the rear-facing childrestraint would be very close to theinflating airbag.CAUTION: (Continued)48