Twilight Sentinel® also provides exteriorillumination as you leave the vehicle. If TwilightSentinel® has turned on the lamps when you turnoff the ignition, the lamps will remain on until:• The exterior lamp switch is moved from off tothe parking lamp position.• A delay time that you select has elapsed.See Vehicle Personalization on page 148 to selectthe delay time that you want. You can alsoselect no delay time.If the ignition is turned off with the exterior lampswitch in the parking lamp or headlamp position,the Twilight Sentinel® delay will not occur.The lamps will turn off as soon as the switch isturned off.As with any vehicle, the regular headlamp systemshould be turned on when needed.Exterior Lighting Battery SaverIf the parking lamps or headlamps have beenleft on, the exterior lamps will turn off about10 minutes after the ignition is turned off. Thisprotects against draining the battery in case youhave accidentally left the headlamps or parkinglamps on. The battery saver does not work if theheadlamps are turned on after the ignition isturned off.If you need to leave the lamps on for more than10 minutes, use the exterior lamp control toturn the lamps back on.219