To help the generator recharge the battery quickly,you can reduce the load on the electrical systemby turning off the accessories.The normal battery voltage range is11.5 to 15.5 volts. You can monitor battery voltageon the DIC by pressing the information buttonuntil you find BATTERY VOLTS.CHANGE ENGINE OIL SOONThis message displays when service is requiredfor your vehicle. See your dealer. See EngineOil on page 380 and Scheduled Maintenance onpage 505 for more information.When you reset the CHANGE ENGINE OILSOON message by clearing it from the display,you still must reset the engine oil life systemseparately. For more information on resetting theengine oil life system, see Engine Oil LifeSystem on page 383.CHECK BRAKE FLUIDThis message displays if the ignition is on toinform the driver that the brake fluid level is low.Have the brake system serviced by your dealer assoon as possible. See Brake System WarningLight on page 248 for more information.CHECK GAS CAPThis message displays when the fuel cap has notbeen fully tightened. Recheck the fuel cap toensure that it is on and tightened properly.CHECK TIRE PRESSUREIf your vehicle has a Tire Pressure Monitor (TPM)system, this message displays when the tirepressure in one of the tires needs to be checked.See DIC Controls and Displays on page 258for more information on checking your vehicle’stire pressures. If a tire pressure message appearson the DIC, stop as soon as you can. Have thetire pressures checked and set to those shown onthe Tire Loading Information label. See TirePressure Monitor System on page 433 andInflation - Tire Pressure on page 431 for moreinformation. If the tire pressure is low, the low tirepressure warning light comes on. See Low TirePressure Warning Light on page 249.267