ENGINE OVERHEATED STOP ENGINENotice: If you drive your vehicle while theengine is overheating, severe engine damagemay occur. If an overheat warning appearson the instrument panel cluster and/orDIC, stop the vehicle as soon as possible.See Engine Overheating on page 393 for moreinformation.This message displays when the engine hasoverheated. Immediately look for a safe place topull your vehicle over and turn the engine off rightaway to avoid severe engine damage. See EngineOverheating on page 393 and Overheated EngineProtection Operating Mode on page 395. A chimealso sounds when this message is displayed.ENGINE POWER REDUCEDThis message displays to inform you that theengine power is being reduced to protectthe engine from damage. There could be severalmalfunctions that might cause this message.Reduced engine power can affect the vehicle’sability to accelerate. If this message is on,but there is no reduction in performance, proceedto your destination. The performance may bereduced the next time the vehicle is driven.The vehicle may be driven at a reduced speedwhile this message is on, but accelerationand speed may be reduced. Anytime this messagestays on, the vehicle should be taken to yourdealer for service as soon as possible.ENGINE PROTECTION REDUCEDRPM’S (Revolutions Per Minute)This message displays when your vehicle is in anoverheated engine operating mode. If thismessage appears, the vehicle has determined thatcontinued operation at the existing engine speedmay lead to engine overheating. The vehicleautomatically limits engine RPMs to prevent engineoverheating. You may notice the vehicle upshiftingearly or reduced speeds while this message isdisplayed. When the engine oil returns to asafe operating temperature, this message clearsfrom the DIC and the vehicle returns to normaloperation. Your vehicle does not require servicewhen this message is displayed.270