Cadillac Technician Roadside Service(U.S. only)Cadillac’s exceptional Roadside Service is morethan an auto club or towing service. It providesevery Cadillac owner in the United States with theadvantage of contacting a Cadillac advisor and,where available, a Cadillac trained dealertechnician who can provide on-site service.A dealer technician will travel to your locationwithin a 30 mile (50 km) radius of a participatingCadillac dealership. If beyond this radius, wewill arrange to have your car towed to the nearestCadillac dealership. Each technician travelswith a specially equipped service vehicle completewith the necessary Cadillac parts and toolsrequired to handle most roadside repairs.Calling for AssistanceFor prompt and efficient assistance when calling,please provide the following to the RoadsideService Representative:• A description of the problem• Name, home address, home telephonenumber• Location of your Cadillac and number you arecalling from• The model year, Vehicle IdentificationNumber (VIN), odometer reading, and dateof deliveryWhile we hope you never have the occasion touse our service, it is added security while travelingfor you and your family. Remember, we areonly a phone call away. In the United States orCanada, customers call Roadside Service:1-800-882-1112. Any customer who has access toa (TTY) or a conventional teletypewriter cancommunicate with Cadillac by dialing from theUnited States or Canada 1-888-889-2438 — daily,24 hours.533