To unlatch the belt, just push the button on thebuckle. When the safety belt is unbuckled or whenthe vehicle is turned off, the tension reducer willdeactivate. The belt should go back out of the way.Before you close the door, be sure the belt isout of the way. If you slam the door on it, you candamage both the belt and your vehicle.Shoulder Belt Height AdjustmentBefore you begin to drive, move the shoulder beltheight adjuster to the height that is right for you.Adjust the height so that the shoulder portion ofthe belt is centered on your shoulder. Thebelt should be away from your face and neck, butnot falling off your shoulder. Improper shoulderbelt height adjustment could reduce theeffectiveness of the safety belt in a crash.To move it down, pressthe release button (A)and move the heightadjuster to the desiredposition. You can movethe height adjuster upjust by pushing up on theshoulder belt guide.After you move the height adjuster to where youwant it, try to move it down without pressing therelease button to make sure it has locked intoposition.29